-When the goalkeeper has the ball in his/her hands during play, the opposing team must move behind the build-out line until the ball is released from the goalkeeper's possession. When the goalkeeper releases the ball, play is live and defenders are released from the Build-Out Line. -The goalkeeper can release the ball by passing, throwing, or rolling the ball to a teammate at any time although if they do not wait until the defending team is behind the buildout line, the defending team is free to play the ball. Goalies may not dribble the ball to restart play in this instance.-On a goal kick, the defending team should move behind the buildout line as soon as the ball is out of bounds/not live. Once the ball is touched by the offensive team (player taking the goal kick) the ball is back in play/becomes live and the defending team is free to play the ball.-The goalkeeper releasing the ball from possession or the player taking the goal kick do not have to wait for the opposing players to move behind the build-out line which means that they are allowed a quick restart unless instructed to wait by the referee. -PUNTS and DROP KICKS are not allowed from the keeper at these ages.
St. Charles County Youth Soccer Association
4800 Mexico Road, Suite 105St. Peters, Missouri 63376 Email: [email protected] Phone: 636-498-1056