The Weekend of Champions Playoffs Fall 2024 (“WOC”) is scheduled for the weekend of October 26-27, 2024; WOC may play on a later weekend if too many games are canceled due to weather. Teams U4-U8 will play at Woodlands Sports Park and teams U9-U18 will play at Mueller Soccer Complex or Vetta Gametime. The top 4 teams in every division will play single elimination playoff games unless otherwise noted.
Playoff Format:
(4 Teams Competing)
Round #1: 1v4, 2v3
Round #2: Winners of game in Round #1 play 1 Championship Game, Losing Teams play a Consolation game
(3 Teams Competing)
Round #1: 1v3, 2v3, 1v2 (1st, 2nd, 3rd place determined by overall points or tie breakers, if needed)
(2 Teams Competing)
Round #1: 1v2 (1 Championship Game)
Please note that even in the standings if your team is not in the top 4, you may have a possibility to play in the tournament if one of the top 4 teams cannot participate. The office will contact you if you are the next eligible team to play in the tournament. Please let your team know that they may have an opportunity so they are prepared for the change. Additionally teams that have committed the infractions listed below are NOT eligible to participate in the WOC regardless of placement in the regular season standings. If there are only 3 teams competing in the Mueller Playoffs, games will be a two game Round Robin and if there are only 2 teams competing there will be a single Championship game.
-Top four teams in each age/color bracket (blue, green, orange, red, or yellow) will compete after regular season standings are finalized
-Teams with an infraction of illegal players will not play
-Teams must be in good standings with the league
-Teams with an infraction of a "No Show" for any regular season game will not play
Players and Coaches who receive a red card in regular season play will be eligible for the WOC Playoffs once their one game suspension has been served per the laws of the game except for, but not limited to:
Players and Coaches who receive a red card for:
-Serious Foul Play
-Violent Conduct
-Foul Language
*All red card infractions are subject to review by the Disciplinary Action Committee to determine player eligibility.
An accumulation of five (5) yellow cards will also result in a red card offense and will be reviewed by the Disciplinary Action Committee.
-Head-to-Head (if applicable)
-Goal Differential (Up to 5 per game)
-Fewest goals against
-Most goals scored (Up to 5 per game)
-Penalty shootout (Three shooters per team to start)
COACHES ONLY: If you have any questions, please contact your Commissioner.
BOYS: Cody McCallister cmccallister@sccysa.org
GIRLS: Cody McCallister (interim)
-Schedules can be found by going to the Calendar listed under TEAM CENTRAL and selecting your division.
-Schedules per bracket can also be found under the "League Info" tab.
To find, hover over LEAGUE INFO->WOC PLAYOFFS->DIVISION SCHEDULES. You may then choose the age that applies.
1st/2nd place will receive trophies
3rd/4th place will receive medals
1st/2nd place will receive medals
3rd/4th place will receive medals
-Fall 2024: All games will play normal game lengths.
·No Guest Players are allowed
·New players will NOT be added to rosters solely for the playoffs. All players (including dual roster players) must be on the roster prior to April 1, 2024.
· Schedule changes will NOT be made to accommodate dual roster players; dual roster players that have conflicting scheduled times must play with their primary team unless released by HC.
·It is the responsibility of the Head or Assistant Coach to verify their rosters in Team Central Team Accounts to make sure they are accurate. If a player is not listed on their roster, they will NOT be able to play in WOC.
·Scheduled times of the games are FINAL. Changes will NOT be made to days and/or times at any point the week of or day of the event unless necessary for staffing or field availability.
·Regardless of weather conditions, coaches and their teams must appear on the field, ready to play as scheduled at least 15 minutes prior to game time. Failure to appear will result in forfeiture of the game. Only the Tournament Judicial Committee can postpone or cancel a game.
·In the event inclement weather forces cancellation of a game after at least 20 minutes have been played, the game shall be considered official and the score at the point of cancellation shall be the final score.
·If any teams do not arrive at past the 5 minute mark of the start of the game time, this will be considered a FORFEIT. Teams are disqualified and will not advance.
-If after Round 1, teams/coaches say that they cannot play in Round 2, teams are disqualified and will not advance. This will be noted after the season and may disqualify that team for the WOC Playoffs next season.
·All players must be present for the pre-game roster check to play in the first half. Any players arriving after the pre-game roster check will need to check in with the Field Marshal before being given permission to enter the game. Players will then have to be properly checked in (game card roster check, equipment check, jewelry check, etc.) by the referee(s) at a stoppage of play to enter the game.
Please note that the stoppage of play is chosen at the referee’s discretion which could include waiting until halftime.
Field Marshal Station Location
Mueller: In the office next to the Concession Stand by M5 (Field 5)
Woodlands: Under the pavilion next to the Concession Stand by W2 (Field 2)
·All game scores are FINAL! No protests are accepted and the decision on the field will stand. Coaches must contact a field marshal with questions or issues before signing the game card.
·Players receiving a red card or a total of two yellow cards during the tournament will be ineligible for their team's next game. The Tournament Judicial Committee reserves the right to suspend or expel any player, coach, or spectator from the tournament at any time for unruly conduct
·The referee of each game will forward to the appropriate field marshal his/her official written game report, including the final score, the name and number of each coach, player, or person cautioned or ordered from the field, and reason for any such disciplinary action. The coach of each team must sign the game report at the end of each game.
·Coaches are held strictly accountable for the conduct of their teams, parents, and supporters. Abusive behavior toward the referee, opponents or tournament staff will NOT be tolerated. Such misconduct and breaches of sportsmanship shall be turned over to the Tournament Judicial Committee for possible suspension or forfeiture of the game
Penalty Kick (PK) Shootout Format:
No game can end in a tie for the WOC so once regulation time has expired, you must go straight into a PK Shootout. The only players allowed to participate are those that were on the field when time expired; no subs are allowed after time has expired/the end of regulation.
TIED GAMES (Round 1 Games)
1. At the end of time regulation, precede straight to penalty kicks. The away/visitors team will call the coin toss. If they get the coin toss correct, they get to choose who shoots first/second. If they lose the coin toss, the home team gets to choose.
2. Each team will choose 3 shooters and will need to tell the referee the order they are shooting in; record the jersey number on the PK Shootout score sheet in the order given.
3. Each team will then alternate shots based on the coin toss and all three shooters will kick; most goals scored out of three shots wins.
4. If still tied after 3 shooters, both teams must choose 3 new players. All the players on the field will need to shoot (including goalies) before the first shooter can kick again.
5. All players on the field at the end of regulation must kick in the 3-shooter format before bench players will be eligible to kick so if there aren’t exactly 3 players left when the goalie kicks, kicker #1 and/or #2 will need to fill in to complete 3 shooters for the set.
TIED GAMES (Round 2 Games)
Follow the Round 1 steps until #4 and then for Round 2 games, use the process below:
If still tied after 3 shooters, it goes to sudden death penalty kicks (1 shooter per team) keeping the same order and alternating team shooter. All the players on the field will take a shot, including goalies, before the first shooter can kick again or bench players are eligible.
If part of Saturday is rained out, games will be moved to Sunday with a modified schedule although fields/times/game lengths may vary based on playability. Consolation games will then be eliminated and PK Shootouts will occur to determine winners in place of Championship Games. If all games rain out on Saturday, then placement may be determined solely by PK Shootouts. If all games rainout for the entire weekend, games may be moved to a different weekend if possible but may be canceled and Regular Season standings will be used to determine awards.
If the entire weekend is rained out, WOC will be moved to the next weekend. If the next weekend is rained out, standings will be final from the Regular Season and awards will be handed out accordingly.